Despite the wide availability of literature on welding processes, a need exists to regularly update the engineering community on advancements in joining techniques of similar and dissimilar materials, in their numerical modeling, as well as in their sensing and control. In response to InTech’s request to provide undergraduate and graduate students, welding engineers, and researchers with updates on recent achievements in welding, a group of 34 authors and co-authors 14 countries representing five continents have joined to co-author this book on welding processes, free of charge to the reader. This book is divided into four sections: Laser Welding; Numerical Modeling of Welding Processes; Sensing of Welding Processes; and General Topics in Welding.
Section 1 Laser Welding
Section 2 Numerical Modeling of Welding Processes
Section 3 Sensing of Welding Processes
Section 4 General Topics in Welding

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