Monetization Strategies

Asset classes, like Intellectual property, which also includes patents, can be monetized and valued. The process of receiving a granted patent requires the investment of both time and resources, and VePub realizes the importance of said investment.

If you want to maximize your return on investment (ROI), the best way to do that is to identify your most valuable assets and create a monetization strategy that gels with the needs of your business. It doesn’t matter how many patents your portfolio contains; our exclusive workflow aids our team of analysts to weed out the patents with the best claims.

VePub can work with all owners of patents and help them in closing deals regarding all types of transactions involving patents, be it developing a monetization strategy or offering expertise in the market or technology.

1. Licensing and cross-licensing

A popular method of monetizing a patent so that it can generate revenue without giving up ownership of the patent is licensing of a patented invention.

A granted patent gives the owner power to exclude other people from practicing the invention, which has been patented. Licensing involves allowing one or more parties to use or sell the patented invention and its services, just the way they want to. Licensing is usually in exchange for some compensation.

The leverage that is behind drafting up a patent licensing deal is the ability to put into force the exclusion of other parties. This can be done through litigation, so a major part of determining how valuable an IP licensing deal is to evaluate the strength of a potential infringement case. If there is a high likelihood of Infringement, using an Evidence of Use chart is the best way to start licensing campaigns and create revenue. A licensing campaign involves

Digging through your portfolio

Identifying potential infringement cases

Researching the market

Evaluating risk

Evidence of Use chart

Preparation to approach a licensee

However, the power to enforce the right of excluding parties is a considerably complicated and intricate evaluation. Still, your bargaining position in a campaign is strengthened by the number of diverse patents in your portfolio.

Experienced patents and a professional legal team are required before the preparation of offering a license to a patent portfolio which is understandable considering how intricate the process is. Our team at VePub has aided countless clients at every stage of a licensing campaign. However, having a legal team is essential. VePub offers its clients in closing end-to-end deals.

However, before attaining any patents is imperative to evaluate your business needs and how the value of your portfolio will be boosted by licensing. To assess all available opportunities, conscientiousness and investment of the highest order are required.

VePub’s expert diagnostic team is more than capable of helping clients evaluate the best technology and patents that will strengthen their portfolio. This assessment of patients is carried out by understanding the scope of claims and comparing patents based on several parameters such as age, citations, the scope of claims, count of inventors, etc. This process of comparing patents is called benchmarking, which allows our team to do a comprehensive review that ultimately helps them make the final decision. 

2. Preparation for Litigation

Taking an alleged infringer to court and making a claim against them is a major decision. However, owners of patents are cautious in approaching any situation that holds monetary value in preparation for an infringement case. Hence, a litigation preparation plan should be worked out from the moment a company is approached for discussing licensing or notified of potential infringement.

Litigation and the ability to impose a patent’s right to exclude parties is, as afore-mentioned, is a complicated assessment. Nevertheless, the quantity of patents and their diversity is capable of strengthening your position in a bargain.

VePub has an unparalleled reputation for being impartial professionals who know what they are doing. Our consultants and experts have aided several litigation teams in preparing them to represent owners of patents or potential infringers, respectively.

Our team of technical experts is capable of conducting investigations on a variety of matters, be it economical and market analysis, assessing risk and validity, or potential infringement. VePub can give you a hand with your litigation, be it technological support or industriousness before you file a claim in court.


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